15th September 1940

Lay very late, being so tired. Then did some more ditching at Bourne Mill. There was an alarm at 2p.m. and only me on duty. Had tea at Rose’s. After went to Seymour’s. Anne [Seymour's daughter] has been sent away to Westmoreland, and will probably be entered at Penrith County School. The Girls’ County School here has quite shut down, but at CRGS [Colchester Royal Grammar School] only 36 boys have actually left the town. The school is shut. Jeffrey Saunders was there. He still goes to London every day, and although often delayed, never experiences any real trouble on the journey. Liverpool Street has not been hit, nor any part of the main line, but there have been some very near misses. His office in Cockspur St. is intact. Beautiful night, with a brilliant moon. 
Massive air assaults by the German Luftwaffe took place over London, Kent and the South Coast on 15th September 1940, and the air raid warning that EJR records marked the beginning of that afternoon's attacks. However, the sustained campaign by the Luftwaffe failed to shatter Fighter Command's resistance and although aerial warfare would continue in the months ahead, the RAF's action on 15th September 1940 was considered to have inflicted a major defeat on the Luftwaffe and is now marked as Battle of Britain Day. For more detail on events in the Battle of Britain for 15th September 1940 see the Battle of Britain Diary Day by Day and the Battle of Britain Memorial website. CP

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